September 30, 2008

You had the Audacity to speak to me???

Ok, the past few post have been nice cute little things that you should all enjoy but the DIVASAURUS is back... psychotic flip out time...

I am getting really sick and tired of these men who think they can just APPROACH me! Like what the hell is going on? At what point did you think it was ok to say something to me?

My name is so true to my life. I am a diva A HUGE one at that. The way I walk the way I stand the way I hold my hand out like someone should kiss it SAYS IT ALL. So much so that others are intimidated to speak. COOL! :-)
But BUT! for some strange VERY strange reason some men bypassed the hand to come and talk to me.

Yes, the other day I was standing waiting for a friend when this toothless man passed by and said "Hello!" I ignored him; what else was I to say? Being so bold he approached me again! So I rolled my eyes and turned my head to address him. Okay if you know me you know that what I said next was either extremely funny or hurtful LOL

"Excuse me? Why did you think it was okay to address me? Do I look available? Do I look like I need conversation from someone like you?" and he stood there SHOCKED that I had just asked him those questions, but should he have really be surprised? Do I really look approachable? LOL

That really irked me because I damn sure don't want to look approachable to these losers...

So how would you have responded? And don't give the DIVA that BS about how you would have shut him down nicely... because that DOES NOT WORK and neither does the I HAVE A MAN approach because they just come back with more questions!

Love ya



Anonymous said...

LMAO! I have had this thought at leat 1,000 times. Like seriously, you're talking to me because...

There really is no way to shut down people nicely. I just go for quickly. I'll give you the initial "Hello," but after that, it's a smile, and a consistent "No thank you." But I can't say that I haven't wanted to employ your tactics. Lol.

Great blog by the way.

Eb the Celeb said...

ugh... you did right...

last night when I was on my way out this dirty looking dude was like

"ma you are so beautiful can i just shake your hand"

I said no that's alright politely and he went on to say other mess that doesnt matter but in my head I was thinking why the hell would I want to touch your nasty looking dirty hand... gross!

Original Designer Woman said...

@ Eb...

Girl, zI just don't get them like you look THAT sort of way and you think I am suppose to stop and speak???? Some dudes just don't get it.

Thanks for the post :-)