October 11, 2008

Let's Talk About _____ BABY!

Hey yall!

OK... Don't let the title fool you, but don't you just love that Salt & Pepa song? They were the BOMB in their day right? Anyhow...

I wanna talk about Expensive Taxi rides through New York City! That is the topic of the day. Saturday proved to be one of my challenges as I hoped to attend five events wearing a WHITE pencil skirt SUCCESSFULLY! My day started at 5 a.m and planned to end around 11 p.m so I had to prepare myself with some Pilate's. Let's not stay too long on the first two events and fast forward to the third. It was in the City and it was a GALA so I had to be on point because those women are FIERCE. My WHITE skirt already had a pen mark on it from my prior meeting so I was sorta off point but I was still on point if you know what I mean! LOL

Let's get to the Ring of FIRE! (Finding Nemo lol) I do not like to spend money on taxi's period. Well I do in my hometown of Staten Island but no way do I like to pay for taxi's in the City because they initially charge you $2.50 when you open the door! But as always an unreliable source told me to take the WRONG train and I ended up on the wrong side of town! Now only having 15 minutes left to be at my destination I seductively flagged down a taxi. Ok... After fooling myself thinking that if I waved my hand like a DRAG Queen I would get a taxi ...I just decided to wait until one pulled up. "Hi taxi man can you take me to 21 WEST 111th Street Alain Looke School?" he reluctantly said "No" but I jumped in anyway! I AM AN AGGRESSIVE DIVA :-)

He took me either way!

SO he turns and turns past Central Park in the opposite direction that I assume I needed to go, but magically he ended up at the school in no time. Unfortunately the meter read $11! I was tight $11 bucks? For a few blocks of turns that eventually got me nauseous. I asked him to explain this to me and he had the AUDACITY to say "IF I didn't pay it he would keep the meter running!" HUH "Is that right?" I said and I threw the $20 I had been holding onto on his lap.

Let's get together and call 311!

Let's start the National Coalition Against New York City Taxi Drivers!

NCANYCTD!!!!! Sounds very long and complicated but YOU GET THE POINT!

