January 21, 2009

A night with a Prince (and some other stuff!!!)

Contrary to popular belief

1) I don't party

2) I am a Gemini

And 3) I am obsessed with nail polish (but we will leave this one for another post!) lol

But last night I decided to have a good time with a good friend without solely focusing on professional aspects of my life, and although he tried to make me talk about work I side-tracked him so elegantly he didn't even notice lol

Let me say it was a long time coming because when I do events or go to galas everything is about work, no matter how many glasses of Merlot you see in my hand! Zanade is the networking Queen so I have to stay true to my title, but last night I let that go so that I could enjoy a moment to relax, relate and release...

1) We have a Black President who not only embodies what many men in this world should but he is strong and has a great woman beside him!

2) My intense workout is going great

3) And for purposes of this blog someone very special to me gave me a night of laughs and true joy... So thank you :-)

Ok, so after I sweated to the oldies for an hour the Prince* picked me up and we headed to the wonderful world that is Union Square. I must admit that my attire wasn't the best (weather conditions) but I made it work... A DIVA always does... with flashy butterfly earrings and flowing hair I was set to thrill!

Prince* took me to this great spot called Spice (if you never had then you must go NOW) For some reason he suspected that I was a bit uneasy with eating new foods but if you truly know me that is never the case. I was just taking it all in; the place was so beautiful I felt right at home. So I normally like to have the man order... I must say I am quite old fashion when it comes to that (my grandfather was such a gentleman) So after 20 minutes of being indecisive and having the waiter prompt us twice to order I let Prince* take care of business. He ordered these great shrimp and chicken fritters with a spicy sauce that was so tasty but eating them was a bit odd... Prince shoved the entire fritter in his mouth and suggested I do the same... so me being adventurous threw the entire thing in my mouth (weird visual I KNOW)

We talked about goals and life and of course he asked "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" now ladies be careful how you answer this question, because your answer could scare the hell out of that man! Some women go off and start talking about marriage and mortgages (two things that scare the hell out of ME!) So I answered that I intend on living my dreams and having an established business and such. He began to tell me what his plans are and I was intrigued by every moment! Prince* is a very motivated DIE HARD individual so grabbing my attention was easy!

After that he gestured that we go see a movie and of course he said "Have you seen Notorious?" And ... for the record NO! I HAVEN'T! But the next showing was way too late for me so we opted to see My Bloody Valentine (not a great choice but suitable for the time and place)

Side note: When did 3D get so popular again? ;-(

We laughed and jumped at every single thing that SHOT at us (literally) and I must mention he has great arms and I took advantage of holding them EVER chance I could... it was a great moment and I took a deep breath to inhale the wonderful thought provoking.....WEED? What the heck I thought and totally blanked out from the classic horror movie girl-grabs boys arm routine and said "Is someone sitting in the movie theatre smoking weed?"

Prince* so embarrassed says "Yes... Yes it is weed."
I HATE THAT SMELL! I thought and proceeded to ignore or try to ignore what the dumb kids were doing...

OK, Jump to the mid-end of the movie..

Prince* and I are totally confused and he wants to know where did we get lost and I am still stuck at trying to adjust my eyes to see the darn thing in 3D! Then by the end we finally "GET IT"

Disappointed? Not really because I spent the night with a Prince* and like a true man (to my standards) he made sure that I got home safe and sound so that I can pick up bright and early on MY JOURNEY!


An essential shining DIVA*
