August 6, 2008

Single and damn happy!

I can recall wanting love or wanting a partner but that dream is no more. Ever since I embraced what a DIVASAURUS is by my own definition I determined I want to be single. I am reading this wonderful called The Single Girl's Manifesta and the writer hits everything right on target. She points out the things single women can do that married or attached woman cannot and looking through the list I wanted to laugh because I know too many women dealing with b.s from their lover.

I look at life a bit differently now, I can go home and light a candle and don't have to answer to anyone. How great does it feel to read a book at 2 in the morning and not have to hear an annoying man scream "Honey when are you going to bed?"

In my past relationships I had to hear that all the time and it was draining. It was always something, either I was never home or stayed up too late. Yeah everyone wants to cuddle up or go to a movie together but be for real you can have a black book full of numbers and dial up when necessary right?

If you don't know that love is a chemical imbalance then read my previous blog.

So those of you looking for the attachment ... GO ON I don't want him at all. It is certainly going to take a lot to lock this down...

The author of the book gives you list of things to do when "lonely time nears" which is good, but honestly I am so drained by days end all I want to do is fall asleep. So maybe in my dreams I want to be swept away by Prince Chariming but in reality I'M GOOD!


Anonymous said...

very funny