August 2, 2008

a diva is A dIvA IS A DIVA @#&*!

Remember my intial blog? Where I stated that a DIVASAURUS is not like Mariah Carey or Naomi??? Well I was wrong; there are some days where people make you shamelessly act out. I mean over the past three days this DIVA had to tell a few people off and force them to see reality! Let's start with today and work backwards shall we?

I was having a rather personal conversation with an 18 year old, and needless to say she was dim very very low lit ;-(
She was professing her love to me (TO ME?) about her incarcerated 21 year old boyfriend forever (yeah right tell me about it) anyway she wanted me to understand why she was making the lons ass trip to Rikers Island to see him. Let me remind you that I am still stuck on the part where she wanted to talk to me about this???

Let's call her crayon.. Crayon says she is in love with this REPEAT OFFENDER and he ironically wants to (you guessed it!) MARRY HER.. So I begin to ask her a series of questions that should lead her to question her actions and the ignorant comments coming out her mouth. Crayon begins rolling off her answers not even thinking twice but what more can I expect from her? Crayon says he violated parole and it wasn't his fault! REALLY? You don't say!

I then explained to Crayon that she has a full life ahead of her and most likely she will move on from JB (Jail Bird) Crayon says "Maybe but I want to be with him and he says he won't get locked up again" So I had to roll the statistics out for her..

Most repeat offenders tend to end back in jail so JB as bad as it sounds you may call jail your second home.

Ok next..

I don't want to say who let's call her Weirdo.. She has her 1st's all mixed up like seriously her to do list needs some help. She has been broke all month and the minute she gets some dough she buys RIMS??? Like why are you all testing me? I love to speak my mind but then I end up friendless ya know?

The 30 year old that wants to embrace her age as the NEW 20! I don't think so. If your 38 then guess what? Your 38... now if you want to play "you are as old as you want to be" then cool but I like to embrace my age! I am a quarter! Ok I am being a crazy DIVA because when I hit 38 you better believe I am going to say the same thing "It's the new 20!" LOL

Am I the only one with a crazy model from the 80's type mother??? Ok yeah I am sure I am ... She drives me crazy!

Did the little mexican lady from the laundromat dry my cocktail dress!!!! I begged her not to!

Calm down DIVA bring it back diva 5. 4. 3. 2. 1 whew...

later yall


Anonymous said...

This blog is wonderful. I know what you mean by Weirdo. I have a lot of Weirdo's in my family and it is hard to understand them.

Anonymous said...

Oh crayon is buggin how she going to wast her time on a loser? DIVASAURUS I hope you gave it to her straight no chaser!